Abundance Without Ecocide
We can All Live Abundantly Without Destroying the Earth and the Systems Which Sustain Life.

Kogi Mama Luis Nuavita – Spiritual Leader Visiting from Colombia South America
Mama Luis (pronounced Mamo) is Son of the sun, traditional authority of Tungueka and The Sierra nevada de Santa marta, a River seeder and interbridger of sacred places, a town seeder, Time keeper, Danta Guardian,(Sacred animal from the Amazon), and Guardian of the Jaguar, a recuperator of the sacred sites, a caller of the rain, a Knower of sacred objects, Master and founder of the towns: Naranjal, teyumake, Baraguera and Tayku
Jorge Luis Dib – Visiting from Colombia South America
Director of Jumeleishi mission, Recuperator of natural spaces, socially and culturally. A seeder of rivers, along with Mama Luis and other traditional Kogis authorities, Jorge has helped recuperate the first City of original or
indigenoues people in La Sierra. Interconnector of apparent opposites. Messenger and keeper of Time. Visionary of Vital Santa Marta Plan (Hummingbird Spirit) for the continuation of Life on our Earth. Jorge works in agreement with Social, Public, Private and Religious organizations as well as with the Spiritual Fathers and Mothers of Nature.
Ruben Saufkie Sr. – Visiting from Hopi
From Ruben: I am from the Water Clan of the Hopi People of Arizona. A Messenger of H2OPI, Sharing Peace through Water. My own personal recovery has helped me to encourage as many people to find the Compassion toward Forgiveness to awaken their Hearts. This the way to living in Balance, Harmony, and Unity which leads to Peace and Being Hopi. No matter how challenging life becomes we must not lose Faith within ourselves because Creator will not give up on us. We must do our very best to live by Creators Law which is very simple, take care of the Land and it will take of you. This is what we share when we do the Eagle dance. We depend on the Eagles strength to carry our prayers from our Hearts to the Creator and the Universe for all Beings to Live in Oneness once again. May Peace Prevail within and throughout the World and Universe. Kwak-Leah, H2OPI
My name is Gary Christmas and I believe that each of us can and will make a meaningful difference in the world with our Daily Focus and Efforts. My purpose is to connect the right people and resources with the right situations in order to serve the highest evolution possible for all of creation. Would you like to help? Keep reading and find what it is that lights you up, then focus there with your heart wide open. That’s where we begin.
«Abundance Without Ecocide» is a Principal based philosophy for moving forward with our existence on Earth in a more Conscious and Compassionate way. More Love and Compassion for Each Other. More Love and Compassion for All Life. More Love and Compassion for Mother Earth herself, after all She is Alive and feels just as you and I are alive and feel. Think about this. Abundance Without Ecocide brings a modern voice to calls from the Earth and the many Indigenous Peoples who maintain a deep loving relationship with her. I was very inspired by the Kogi, whom many would consider a “lost tribe” from the highest coastal mountain range in the world in Colombia South America. They believe and very eloquently communicate their message that Mother Earth is Alive and that we are literally killing her with negligence, abuse and destructive practices, while there are very real viable options which would still allow us to Live Abundantly and still have all the things we need and want Without Destroying the Earth and jeopardizing all of life, which is our current Global path.
By Educating people via Books/Blogs/TV/Radio/Online Media and Interactive Live Events focused on Solutions and Compassionate Community Involvement, we are Changing What People Believe is Possible. This is the beginning of the process where we discover, test and implement real solutions to many of the most devastating challenges on our Planet. This is the path to make a real and lasting difference for our Children and their Great Great Grandchildren. Lets think, Focus and Act outside the current Social/Business/Spiritual/Political construct in the areas of Wise Community Development, Wise Energy development, Safe Food, Optimum Health, Inclusion based Spirituality, Restoration of Oceans Rivers and Air, Principal based Politics, People Focused Governments, Global Abundance for All People of All Colors and Heritage.
Regardless of what you hear in the "news", it is an effort to dictate what you think about and how you value yourself and how you value others. Realizing this is a "game" they are playing with you enables you to live outside of this "game" should you choose to think your own thoughts and create your own values. This is an exciting moment full of possibility and hope for each of us and our many families.
Here is a recap of some of our activities with the Kogi, Hopi, and Dalai Lama with more updates coming soon on 2017 events in planning for late Sept / Oct time frame.
Dear Soul Family,
I hope each of you are feeling Loved and are enjoying Meaningful Family Connection!
This is a Very Special moment and each of us have a critical role to play in creating
a path forward for a Healthy Compassionate life in this moment and for all future
generations who are on their way through us.
We have beautiful reasons to celebrate coming up very quickly, and I am excited
to announce that our Hopi brother Ruben Saufkie and his entire family are coming to CA
on July 3 - 13. They are planning to be performing their incredible Double Eagle Dance for the
Dalai Lama on July 5 at Anaheim Pond. I believe tickets are still available online.
Ruben has also been asked to do a private blessing for the Dalai Lama at a VIP
luncheon on July 7 at UCI, and multiple events after the Dalai Lama listed below.
This is a very significant thing for Ruben and the Hopi people and we are honored
to help them to fully experience this moment surrounded with Love.
We also have the Very Special honor of having a key Spiritual representative from the
Kogi people, Mama Luis along with Jorge Dib who will be translating for him. Coming
from Colombia to speak with the Dalai Lama on July 6 at UCI Bren Center, the
Kogi people are very Spiritual and are considered to be the Elder Brothers
of Humanity. They have lived on the highest coastal mountain range in the
world for many hundreds of years so their culture and their world view are very
different than ours. Mama Luis is over 70 years old and is considered one of the
Senior Mama's (pronounced Mamo's). Several years ago they predicted current
events which would indicate timing for the Kogi to come to North America to
spread an Urgent and Powerful Message. That time is Now and we are all here
with Love to help them to complete this task and open new doors for humanity.
Kogi Mama Luis Nuavita bio:
Son of the Sun, Traditional Authority of Tungueka and The Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta, a River seeder and Interbridger of Sacred places, a Town
seeder, Time keeper, Danta Guardian,(Sacred animal form the Amazon),
and Guradian of the Jaguar, a Recuperator of the Sacred Sites, a Caller of
the Rain, a Knower of Sacred Objects, Master and Founder of the towns:
Naranjal, Teyumake, Baraguera and Tayku
Kogi Translator Jorge Dib bio:
Director of Jumeleishi mission, Recuperator of natural spaces, socially and
culturally. A seeder of rivers, along with Mama Luis and other traditional
Kogis authorities, Jorge has helped recuperate the first City of original or
indigenoues people in La Sierra. Interconnector of apparent opposites.
Messenger and keeper of Time. Visionary of Vital Santa Marta Plan
(Hummingbird Spirit) for the continuation of Life on our Earth. Jorge
works in agreement with Social, Public, Private and Religious organizations
as well as with the Spiritual Fathers and Mothers of Nature.
Please spread the word online and share event links with family and friends. Facebook and other social media have really enhanced our ability to spread information quickly.
If you write a blog or have a great story to tell that you believe can have a positive impact in the world we live in, please tag me in it and I will share as well. Look me up on facebook <Gary Christmas>
Do You have a Great Business that succeeds by doing things right with as little damage to the Earth as possible? Great then we would like to speak with you about being a Sponsor! Please join us! Massive gratitude for our partners so far: Compassionate California and SARAH, The Spiritual And Religious Alliance for Hope.
Speak Up!! If you really believe that the future can be drastically improved, then talk about it. Can you speak in front of a group of people? Can you share your thoughts with others at a community gathering? Find a way to use the talents and gifts you have to impact the world around us and Thank You for Doing Your Part!